Q&A with Jessy Ribordy: Insights on Fangs! Album Artwork, Musical Evolution & Behind-the-Scenes Lore


Hello, Jessy here!

First off, a big thank you to everyone who’s been part of my journey as a musician, composer, and storyteller. Your support means the world to me. I’ve been at this for quite some time, and one thing I’ve learned is that having good people by your side is priceless. I appreciate every single one of you. Now, let’s dive into some of the fantastic questions you’ve asked about my latest album Fangs! and the creative process behind it!


Album Artwork & Design: The Vision Behind Fangs!’s Visuals

Q: How did you come up with the design ideas for the Fangs! album artwork?

A: I've always been drawn to Art Nouveau and wanted the album art to reflect elements of the story. I worked with the talented team at Invisible Creature to bring this vision to life. I provided them with a brief that included specific themes like poison, arrows, thread, and location names from the story of Fangs!. These symbols were meant to represent key parts of the narrative.

Creative Process: Turning Personal Change into Music

Q: What was your thought process when writing Fangs!? It feels like a big creative shift for the band. Were you trying to take the music in a new direction?

A: I was experiencing two significant changes—one in my personal life and the other in my musical direction. I wanted to capture that emotional depth in the album. Whether fans loved it or not, the sincerity behind it was most important to me. If people can feel the authenticity in the music, I consider that the greatest success.

Exploring Melody: From Dreams to Fangs!

Q: Can you explain the interpolation with Panic and Geo-Primaries and how the melody in Arch To Achilles ended up in Fangs!?

A: This one’s a bit surreal! I had a dream where I was deaf and standing in tall grass, and in that dream, I heard the melody for Arch To Achilles. I woke up, recorded it into my voice recorder, and eventually used it in Fangs! as a central piece of the Falling Up lore.

Favorite Tracks & Changes: A Look Back at Fangs!’s Creation

Q: What’s your favorite track on the album, and would you change or rewrite any song if you could go back?

A: My favorite song is The Chilling Alpine Adventure. If I could revisit The King’s Garden, I’d love to expand it into the full version we initially envisioned. The tight timeline we had for recording meant some tracks were shorter than we intended, but that's part of the process!

The Significance of the Album Title: Fangs!

Q: Because it’s “Fangs!” Is it required to shout the title of the album when talking about it?

A: I think the best delivery of the line would be more like a horrified realization. The title is meant to have an air of betrayal about it. It’s meant to be both shocking and significant in the story context.

Fangs! & The Story Connection to Hours

Q: How is Fangs! connected to Hours?

A: The Hours story (you can listen to the audiobook here) holds a special place in my heart, BUT, the Bethel Woods universe is currently getting revamped in a way that works better narratively. With that being said, originally Fangs! took place after the events of Seth/Finn and the others at the orphanage. It was a part of an adventure that a character named Colby went on later with her classmates in a place called The Attic. For a frustrating little jab, this is the same Colby (but as an adult) mentioned in the song Boone Flyer and in an unreleased Gloomcatcher song titled Good Luck Colby. I know this answer probably doesn’t help anyone, but I am really excited for the future of the Falling Up lore in terms of these stories getting fleshed out with more clarity and narrative. Most of the tales (including the Hours audiobook) that are within the FU universe were designed to fit within the context of the concept albums. But I’m excited to dive into the universe without that ceiling, so to speak. And with all that being said, the story of Fangs! is far from over. 

Exciting Updates on the Future of Fangs!

Q: Will there be more music or another album from The River Empires? Would the next album stay with the original storyline or be titled Mars/Brighton II?

A: I’ve always planned to continue the journey, and Mars/Brighton II was originally going to be the next chapter. There are some changes to the album structure, but the story is far from over. The lore will continue to evolve, and we will explore the next phases with even more depth!

Final Thoughts: Fangs! and the Future of the Falling Up Universe

Thank you again for all your support and questions! I’m excited to continue exploring the universe of Falling Up and Fangs!. Stay tuned for more music, deeper dives into the lore, and future projects that will continue to evolve.

If you're a fan of the Falling Up universe and want more insight into the making of Fangs! or any of my other projects, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your support means everything.


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